Media Registration
The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is a multi-day motorsports festival that includes two weekends of racing events as well as car shows and exclusive events throughout. The PVGP has two levels of media credentials that are granted: A Media Pass and a Hot Pass.
Obtaining a Media Pass will provide you with information in advance of the events as well as grant you access to many, but not all, of the events without a fee. Certain members of the media may also desire a Hot Pass. Hot Passes are granted on a very very limited basis and ONLY granted to those in the media who have had demonstrated experience photographing on a hot race track. In most cases, unless you are exclusively a motorsports photographer or journalist, you won't need a Hot Pass to get some fantastic photography and videography. This information is further detailed below.
Obtaining a Media Pass will provide you with information in advance of the events as well as grant you access to many, but not all, of the events without a fee. Certain members of the media may also desire a Hot Pass. Hot Passes are granted on a very very limited basis and ONLY granted to those in the media who have had demonstrated experience photographing on a hot race track. In most cases, unless you are exclusively a motorsports photographer or journalist, you won't need a Hot Pass to get some fantastic photography and videography. This information is further detailed below.
MEDIA Credentials
The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, "PVGP" is committed to working with the photographers, videographers, columnists, journalists, bloggers, independent reporters and social media influencers and who are capable of reaching wide audiences. The following list includes guidelines which the PVGP will use in order to determine eligibility to grant media credential, a "media pass" to enter the events.
The PVGP strives to work with the best. We value individuals who have worked with us in the past or who have professional experience. The PVGP requires that individuals have a proven history, demonstrate professional standards and regularly produce original and quality content that can reach the target audience.
The PVGP strives to work with the best. We value individuals who have worked with us in the past or who have professional experience. The PVGP requires that individuals have a proven history, demonstrate professional standards and regularly produce original and quality content that can reach the target audience.
Why you should apply
Although many of our weekday events are free and open to the public to attend, by registering for a media pass you will be informed about times and places where you may be able to conduct exclusive interviews or capture some unique video or photography. If you're not on this years events mailing list you will miss some out great exclusive and behind-the-scenes content! That's why it's going to be important to let us know which events you plan to attend. Only those attending will be invited to any exclusivity.
Selection Criteria
The approval of media credentials depends on the several factors:
- Previous relevant journalism experience
- Journalists must submit recent examples of their articles and one reference in order to be considered for credentials.
- Duration of online blog covering automobiles and luxury lifestyle for longer than one year.
- Commercial Nature of the Website.
- Weekly and Monthly number of unique visitor traffic data from a recognized objective measurement company.
- Websites must be free from gossip and offensive language
- Organizations may NOT apply for credentials
- A Media Credential Request Form must be submitted for each representative from your media organization
- Media Registration Opens January 2024
- Please provide the PVGP with at least 14 days to consider your Media Credential Request
- All Media Credential Applications must be submitted by no later than June 25, 2024
- At the latest, will be notified by July 1, confirming or denying your request.
- Media Credentials must be applied for and will be issued in the applicant’s name
- Photo ID will be required upon arrival and check-in
- Credentials will NOT be mailed under any circumstances
PVGP Historics at Pitt-Race
PVGP "The Vintage" at Schenley Park
Arrival, Sign In & Hospitality
Once you arrive and sign in you will be given a press kit, press credential lanyard, and our staff will direct you to areas of the event that may interest you. The media center will be fully staffed with on-site media contacts to answer questions and guide and transport you and your equipment to where you need to be.
Credentialed media-only amenities
- Race Program and Media Lanyard
- Private Media Room/Area with tables and chairs
- Access to Power strip for charging
- Refreshments and boxed lunch
- Access to hot passes*
*Race Side Credentials "HOT PASS"
If you wish to receive media credentials to work inside the fence, e.g. a "hot pass", you will need demonstrate that you have photographed on a hot race track in the past. Credentialed Media will have access to photograph the winners podium at both The Historics at Pitt Race and The Vintage at Schenley Park and WILL NOT require a hot pass for those areas. If you have any questions, contact Bernard Martin, Director of Communications for the PVGP . He is available to answer questions concerning press passes, security clearance, photographer credentials and media relations. He may be reached at 412-996-5700
PVGP Media Contacts
Bernard Martin Director of Communications (412) 996-5700
Susan Gera PVGP Media (724) 396-9372
Eric Zagrocki – Jet Center Party
Dan DelBianco Pre-event Media and Photos (412) 559-3500
Thank you for your interest. You can reach our media team at any of our events through the contacts listed above.
Susan Gera PVGP Media (724) 396-9372
Eric Zagrocki – Jet Center Party
Dan DelBianco Pre-event Media and Photos (412) 559-3500
Thank you for your interest. You can reach our media team at any of our events through the contacts listed above.
Please read all of the information above before clicking and completing the Media Credentials form at the bottom of this page.